Emanual Kimble: Heads to Capitol Hill
Emanual Kimble
Class 4, Lead
What is your Vision for Impact Statement?
My Vision for Impact Statement is: To create a statewide social & emotional and trauma infused curriculum in the state of Ohio.
I'm not working on this right now, but in my current role, I am learning a lot about how policy is made that I will be able to apply to my Vision for Impact Statement when I return to Ohio.
You were recently selected for an amazing opportunity to work on Capitol Hill! Can you tell us more about that? What do you love about the work you’re doing now, and the work you will be doing soon?
Yes, I’ve been selected as a Congressional Fellow through the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation to serve on Capitol Hill. I currently serve in the office of a U.S. Representative who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Much of my work is that of a Policy Analyst; I am conducting research and reviewing legislation in key areas such as: Education, Homelessness, and Immigration. I enjoy having the opportunity to occupy several spaces to learn more deeply about the issues that impact our society
How has being a part of School Board School impacted your involvement in this work?
School Board School has played a critical role in my professional and personal development.The rigor of the School Board School learning program has equipped me to critically assess and analyze various issues regarding K-12 education. I had some basic knowledge about several issues impacting our educational system, but School Board School enabled me to “connect the dots” and created a space where I was able to be innovative in combating today’s educational issues.
How have you used your School Board School training/learnings in your work?
One of the most beneficial pieces of information shared during my School Board School learning program experience was understanding the roles of specific people and entities in our educational system. Though this is an ongoing process, I find this to be extremely important in understanding educational systems and those who influence it.
As part of my fellowship, I spoke with Rebecca Pringle, President & CEO of the National Education Association, and I can't tell you how much School Board School prepped me for this conversation about issues in our education system. I'm so thankful!
How have you tapped into the School Board School community, or how has our network supported you in your work?
I am happy to have the support and encouragement from all my School Board School connections– especially the “best” cohort, Class 4– along my journey. I do keep in contact with many members of my cohort. I am hopeful that the important work that each of us do will allow us to reconnect soon and share about the impact that we are all making.
What impact are you (and/or your team) having?
The impact that I believe I am having is the opportunity to further my understanding of the legislative process so that I am able to effectively “bridge the gap” between our legislative process and marginalized communities.
How has being a part of School Board School impacted how you think about systems change and/or your role in it?
School Board School has helped increase my self-efficacy (my favorite word) regarding communicating several issues impacting our educational systems. The culmination of research, site-visits, seminars, and the sharing of knowledge among members has made School Board School such an enriching experience.
I am so grateful for the team at School Board School for allowing me to take part. I am still a “student” in the class of knowledge and School Board School has allowed me to think more critically and has provided me with several frameworks to consider while analyzing our educational system.
Is there anything else about the work you’re doing that you want to highlight? And/or is there anything else about being part of School Board School that you want to highlight?
I spoke about this during my impact presentation, but the reflections and words of affirmation that were written to me by Class 4 and the staff of School Board School truly mean a lot to me! I typically find myself not celebrating a lot because I try to be locked-in on goals and objectives. After reading those words from my peers and colleagues in Class 4, I am beyond thankful and happy that each person took the time out to celebrate and motivate me. THANK YOU ALL!!