Join School Board School & Cohear for Cincinnati's Annual Education Policy Pitch Night!

It's up to you to choose the winning pitches!

Join us to hear students, caregivers, school staff members, and community members share their ideas for how to improve education in Cincinnati Public Schools. Then you get to vote on which idea should be championed in CPS.

There will be at least one winner chosen by the audience's vote, and at least one chosen by a panel of CPS leaders. Winning pitches will work with school board members and district administrators to turn their ideas into reality.

  • Date: January 25, 2023

  • Time: 6:00-7:30pm eastern

  • Format: Virtual Zoom event

This Year's Pitches

We asked for your ideas to improve CPS, and you did not disappoint! After reading lots of great applications, our group of community members who made up the Pitch Night Selection Team chose these six ideas for improving CPS.

  • Addressing healthy food options in CPS - Alex Hill & Sanaa May

  • Building a user-friendly IEP implementation tool- John Espy, Katie Laden, Deon Mack, Erynn Townsend, Mariette Wade

  • Starting a joint safety initiative between CPS and the city of Cincinnati - Elyse Jenkins, Jess Link, Junius Smith, Dr. Lori Wright

  • Proposing a more equitable admissions policy for Walnut Hills High School- Rashanna Freeman, Andrea Granieri, Estee Harris, Cindy Jones, Dionne Thrower

  • Creating a committee for community input to the CPS board- Marjorie Bazin, Bryce Cannon, Larry Hodge, Brice Mickey, Amy Thompson

  • Integrating Mental Health Support and Education in CPS Classrooms - Kendra Mapp


Thank You, Pitch Night Panelists!

CPS leaders will provide feedback on each pitch, as well as help champion the winning ideas with their teams in the district.


Ben Lindy

School Board President

Mike Moroski

Policy Committee Chair

Iranetta Wright



Policy vs Practice

Why is it important to know the difference between policy and practice? Well, because it's not enough to just know what you are advocating for; you also have to know who to advocate to.

Check out this deck for a quick explanation.

2022 Pitches

Want to be inspired by the ideas from last year's everyday experts? Check out their pitches.



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