Join fellow educators, parents/caregivers, elected officials, and engaged community members from across the tri-state area for a day of learning, community building, and taking action! You will:

  • Grow your understanding of how to effectively push for change in your local school district, at the statehouse, and at the national level;

  • Find other people passionate about the same education issues as you, and begin building plans to address them;

  • Meet elected officials and current candidates, and learn how their work impacts education in your community.


Registration Information

What’s the cost?

This day-long event is FREE!

We are committed to keeping our programming free of charge so that cost is not a barrier to attending. When you check in to the event, YOUR $10 REGISTRATION FEE WILL BE REFUNDED. However, space is limited and it costs a lot to hold this event. Therefore, we ask that you add this event to your calendar when you register and contact immediately if you cannot attend to free up your seat. 

IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE EVENT and do not give us prior notice, you will forfeit the $10 registration fee and it will go toward covering the costs associated with the event. 

Is it only open to people in Cincinnati Public Schools?

No! We will include facilitators and organizations from across the region, and hope that people who care about education and elected officials from all over the tri-state area will join us!

Who should come?

This conference is open to everyone who believes our school systems should be designed so that every student is safe, included, reflected in their curriculum and staff, and educated.


We have a powerful day of learning, meeting new people, and action planned for you! We’ll transition between whole group sessions and small group conversations, as well as time for networking and taking action. 



Below, please find all the details you might need about the day. If something is missing, ask us! Reach out to


1819 Innovation Hub at the University of Cincinnati
2900 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45206

*Free parking is available in the lot at the 1819 Innovation Hub.



September 14th, 2024

Registration and the Impact Fair start promptly at 8:30 am, and we’ll close out with the state rep candidate meet & greet / networking at 2:30pm.

This event is FREE! We are committed to keeping our programming free of charge so that cost is not a barrier to attending. When you check in to the event, YOUR $10 REGISTRATION FEE WILL BE REFUNDED.

Additional Details:


We will provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks. In the registration form, we will ask for any dietary restrictions. You should also feel free to bring drinks or snacks to take care of yourself throughout the day.

Quiet Room and Nursing Room:

We will provide a quiet room for anyone who needs a break from the action, as well as a space for nursing mothers. It is important to note that we will not be able to provide childcare, so we do not recommend that children (other than infants nursing) attend the event.


Conference Hosts

As individuals and as individual organizations, we can each have a positive impact, but systems are changed when networks and coalitions work together. We are proud of the coalition of organizations hosting this event.

To find out more about each host organization, click on their logo below.


Speakers & Facilitators

We are grateful to all of our speakers and facilitators for sharing their time and expertise with us. Check out all of our speakers and facilitators for the day!