• Developing diverse leadership: We build a network of people who have historically been affected by but not included in this work. We grow their confidence, skills, knowledge, and network so that educational leadership at all levels- from community activists to school board members- represents the full diversity of our community.
• Preparing our members to lead and govern: During our seven-month learning program, our members engage in 20 sessions and field trips, each led by content area experts. These experiences provide our members with a deep understanding of how school districts operate and what it takes to make systemic change.
• Providing ongoing support: We provide sessions and tools to support our members over the long-term in achieving their individual goals and in collective actions.
• Supporting strong coalitions: Individuals can have a positive impact but they don’t change systems; coalitions change systems. Our members start as a group of individuals considering the independent actions they can take to make change, but grow into a coalition of people who work together over time in collective and sustained action.
• Building our community’s knowledge: We provide tools and opportunities for the general public to grow their understanding of school boards and policy, as well as knowledge about issues affecting our students and how they can help.